
In this page, you can see everything that can be configured/changed within this script.

All of the code from frameworks, inventories & such are not displayed in here. This code is triggered within the fmLib dependency script. All of the dependencies code are also opensourced within fmLib.


This is the config.lua from one of the map variants, to give you some more insight in what is changeable in the config of the scripts. All variants their config.lua file has the same structure.

BY CrimeM Š crimem.com

Config = {}

Config.ImgDirectory = 'ox_inventory/web/images/'
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Cooldown = 60 * 60 * 1 -- Cooldown in seconds
Config.AlwaysLocked = false    -- If true, the doors will be locked all the time, otherwise only when the robbery started
Config.ThermiteTime = 5000 -- Time in ms to burn the door after all animations are done
Config.C4Time = 5000 -- Time in ms to detonate the C4 after placement animations are done

Config.MinimumCops = {        -- Minimum amount of cops required to start the robbery
    jobs = { 'police', },
    amount = 1,

Config.Start = {
    door = {
        model = 517314340,
        coords = vector3(-448.179108, -76.391006, 41.447380),
    requiredItems = { -- Required items to start the robbery, when remove = true, the item(s) will be removed when the robbery starts
        { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
        { item = 'WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE', label = 'Switchblade', amount = 1, remove = false },
        { item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
        { item = 'c4_bomb',       label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
        { item = 'thermite_bomb',       label = 'Thermite Bomb', amount = 2, remove = false },
        { item = 'usb_stick',       label = 'USB Stick', amount = 1, remove = false },
        { item = 'glass_cutter',       label = 'Glass Cutter', amount = 1, remove = false },
        { item = 'safe_cracker',       label = 'Safe Cracker', amount = 1, remove = false },

Config.Robbery = {
    -- Loot under here is started when the robbery is started, we recommend putting the loot in the doors below, to prevent hackers to exploit.
    -- Unless there is no specific door for the loot, the loot will be set in here
    startLoot = {
        smashes = {
                coords = vector3(-454.058, -77.303, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'diamond_ring', label = 'Diamond Ring', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-453.5794, -77.0050, 40.2876),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 129.0),
                coords = vector3(-455.346, -75.802, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-454.8415, -75.2564, 40.2857),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 129.0),
                coords = vector3(-456.551, -74.267, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab3_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-455.8725, -73.7794, 40.2857),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 129.0),
                coords = vector3(-457.735, -72.778, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab4_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'diamond_ring', label = 'Diamond Ring', min = 1, max = 2 },
                        { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-457.2686, -72.3555, 40.2857),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 129.0),
                coords = vector3(-459.092, -71.306, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab2_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-458.5413, -70.6662, 40.2870),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 129.0),
                coords = vector3(-460.338, -69.86, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab3_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-459.6806, -69.1924, 40.2883),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 129.0),
                coords = vector3(-451.843, -72.653, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab3_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-451.4920, -73.2975, 40.2852),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 36.0),
                coords = vector3(-453.035, -73.604, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab4_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-452.3849, -74.2573, 40.2854),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 36.0),
                coords = vector3(-454.592, -72.864, 41.524),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab2_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'diamond_ring', label = 'Diamond Ring', min = 1, max = 2 },
                        { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-455.3254, -73.2794, 40.2854),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -54.0),
                coords = vector3(-455.258, -71.072, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab4_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-455.6608, -70.3560, 40.2854),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -142.0),
                coords = vector3(-454.026, -70.134, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab3_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-454.4854, -69.5925, 40.2853),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -142.0),
                coords = vector3(-447.85, -72.426, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-448.6842, -72.8301, 40.2874),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -51.0),
                coords = vector3(-449.078, -70.788, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'silver_ring', label = 'Silver Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'diamond_ring', label = 'Diamond Ring', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-449.8807, -71.2636, 40.2857),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -51.0),
                coords = vector3(-450.427, -69.216, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab4_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-451.0854, -69.6289, 40.2857),
                    rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -51.0),
                coords = vector3(-451.592, -67.789, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-452.1780, -68.1648, 40.2857),
                    rotation = vector3(0, 0, -51.0),
                coords = vector3(-452.843, -66.279, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab3_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'diamond_ring', label = 'Diamond Ring', min = 1, max = 2 },
                        { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-453.5005, -66.7254, 40.2868),
                    rotation = vector3(0, 0, -51.0),
                coords = vector3(-454.028, -64.804, 41.525),
                model = 'des_jewel_cab_start',
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', label = 'Assault Rifle', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                    items = {
                        { item = 'golden_ring', label = 'Golden Ring', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        { item = 'diamond_ring', label = 'Diamond Ring', min = 1, max = 2 },
                        { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                scene = {
                    coords = vector3(-454.6251, -65.2441, 40.2881),
                    rotation = vector3(0, 0, -51.0),
        paintings = {
                model = 'h4_prop_h4_painting_01e',
                coords = vector3(-454.551, -61.312, 41.319),
                heading = 40.0,
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE', label = 'Switchblade', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    items = {
                        { item = 'van_gogh', label = 'Van Gogh', min = 1, max = 1 },
                scene = { -- Scene settings are required for stealing paintings
                    coords = vector3(-454.1523, -61.5138, 41.2888)
        lockers = {
                coords = vector3(-458.369, -67.791, 41.017),
                rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -140.0),
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
                    items = {
                        -- { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        -- { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                coords = vector3(-447.804, -60.263, 41.339),
                rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -140.0),
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
                    items = {
                        -- { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        -- { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
                coords = vector3(-453.099, -58.559, 41.468),
                rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 35.0),
                requiredItems = {
                    { item = 'drill', label = 'Drill', amount = 1, remove = false },
                rewards = {
                    money = { type = 'bank', min = 2500, max = 10000 },
                    items = {
                        -- { item = 'silver_watch', label = 'Silver Watch', min = 1, max = 4 },
                        -- { item = 'diamond_watch', label = 'Diamond Watch', min = 1, max = 2 },
    -- Loot is mostly setupped within the doors below, so it spawns when a door has been opened, in order to prevent hackers from exploiting.
    doors = {
        entranceLeft = {
            action = 'c4',
            requiredItems = {
                { item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
            scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
                coords = vector3(-449.3423, -77.4334, 41.2930),
                rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 38.0),
        entranceRight = {
            action = 'c4',
            requiredItems = {
                { item = 'c4_bomb', label = 'C4 Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
            scene = { -- Scene settings are required for c4
                coords = vector3(-448.9161, -77.0545, 41.2932),
                rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 38.0),
        insideLeft = {
            action = 'thermite',
            requiredItems = {
                { item = 'thermite_bomb', label = 'Thermite Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
            scene = { -- Scene settings are required for thermite
                coords = vector3(-453.3632, -61.3795, 41.2960),
                rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -20.0),
        insideRight = {
            action = 'thermite',
            requiredItems = {
                { item = 'thermite_bomb', label = 'Thermite Bomb', amount = 1, remove = true },
            scene = { -- Scene settings are required for thermite
                coords = vector3(-448.7033, -67.0725, 41.2959),
                rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -49.0),
            displays = {
                    glassCoords = vector3(-444.6100, -62.6092, 40.2904), -- Coords for the glass
                    glassHeading = 310.0,                             -- Heading for the glass
                    valuables = {                                     -- It takes a random valuable out of this list, if you always want it to be 1, just remove the others
                            model = 'h4_prop_h4_necklace_01a',
                            heading = 308.06,
                            displayRotation = vector3(360.0, 0.0, 308.0),
                            rewards = {
                                items = {
                                    { item = 'diamond_necklace', label = 'Diamond Necklace', min = 1, max = 1 },
                    requiredItems = {
                        { item = 'glass_cutter', label = 'Glass Cutter', amount = 1, remove = false },
    vaults = {
        vaultDoor = {
            action = 'usb',
            requiredItems = {
                { item = 'usb_stick', label = 'USB Stick', amount = 1, remove = false },
            safes = {
                    coords = vector3(-442.1389, -69.4040, 40.2904),
                    heading = 218.7551,
                    grabModel = 'h4_prop_h4_diamond_01a',
                    requiredItems = {
                        { item = 'safe_cracker', label = 'Safe Cracker', amount = 1, remove = false },
                    rewards = {
                        -- money = { type = 'bank', min = 0, max = 5000 },
                        items = {
                            { item = 'ruby_diamond', label = 'Ruby Diamond', min = 1, max = 1 },
    laserZones = { -- Uses mka_lasers
            deactivate = vector3(-450.121, -57.776, 41.184),
            lasers = { -- Only change these lasers if you have experience setting it up with mka_lasers
                    {vector3(-453.44, -78.225, 43.862), vector3(-461.223, -68.696, 43.862), vector3(-458.176, -66.155, 43.862), vector3(-461.241, -68.706, 43.862), vector3(-453.435, -78.195, 43.862)},
                    {vector3(-453.45, -78.3, 40.289), vector3(-461.403, -68.683, 40.289), vector3(-458.293, -66.24, 40.288), vector3(-461.404, -68.658, 40.289), vector3(-453.43, -78.291, 40.289)},
                    {travelTimeBetweenTargets = {1.0, 1.0}, waitTimeAtTargets = {0.0, 0.0}, name = "laser1"}
                    {vector3(-447.167, -73.106, 43.862), vector3(-454.934, -63.621, 43.862), vector3(-458.176, -66.156, 43.862), vector3(-454.939, -63.616, 43.862), vector3(-447.165, -73.116, 43.862)},
                    {vector3(-446.979, -73.312, 40.289), vector3(-455.159, -63.62, 40.289), vector3(-458.398, -66.51, 40.288), vector3(-455.175, -63.623, 40.289), vector3(-446.954, -73.312, 40.289)},
                    {travelTimeBetweenTargets = {1.0, 1.0}, waitTimeAtTargets = {0.0, 0.0}, name = "laser2"}
                    {vector3(-453.614, -73.665, 44.036), vector3(-451.598, -72.047, 44.036), vector3(-449.641, -74.543, 44.036), vector3(-451.549, -76.13, 44.036), vector3(-453.596, -73.68, 44.036)},
                    {vector3(-454.192, -74.147, 40.285), vector3(-451.117, -71.75, 40.285), vector3(-449.012, -74.846, 40.287), vector3(-451.529, -76.507, 40.287), vector3(-454.192, -74.151, 40.285)},
                    {travelTimeBetweenTargets = {1.0, 1.0}, waitTimeAtTargets = {0.0, 0.0}, name = "laser3"}
                    {vector3(-457.347, -69.048, 44.036), vector3(-455.384, -67.421, 44.036), vector3(-453.358, -69.909, 44.036), vector3(-455.285, -71.483, 44.036), vector3(-457.35, -69.052, 44.036)},
                    {vector3(-457.68, -68.791, 40.287), vector3(-455.419, -67.217, 40.287), vector3(-453.156, -69.47, 40.285), vector3(-456.073, -71.732, 40.285), vector3(-457.677, -68.792, 40.287)},
                    {travelTimeBetweenTargets = {1.0, 1.0}, waitTimeAtTargets = {0.0, 0.0}, name = "laser4"}
    cameras = { -- Viewable cameras when the robbery is started
        enabled = true,
        open = {
            everyone = false, -- If true, everyone can view the cameras, otherwise only the jobs below
            jobs = { 'police', },
            coords = vector3(-461.908, -66.894, 44.783),
            rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, -149.0),
        cams = {
            { x = -444.57061767578, y = -72.81893157959, z = 44.053528594971, r = { x = -35.0, y = 0.0, z = 74.939277648926 } },
            { x = -454.48120117188, y = -80.914535522461, z = 44.252041625977, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -2.2258901596069 } },
            { x = -463.28787231445, y = -69.816940307617, z = 44.314839172363, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -96.674835205078 } },
            { x = -453.95159912109, y = -62.196212768555, z = 44.259762573242, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 177.77383422852 } },
            { x = -449.78897094727, y = -56.765819549561, z = 44.262818145752, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 158.36546325684 } },
            { x = -445.90460205078, y = -61.849758148193, z = 44.026947784424, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = 156.47560119629 } },
            { x = -443.92803955078, y = -70.473945617676, z = 43.555531311035, r = { x = -35.0, y = -0.0, z = -19.194046020508 } },

Config.End = {
    death = { -- End robbery if player dies
        enabled = true
    distance = { -- End robbery if player goes out of distance
        enabled = true,
        radius = 150.0 -- Out of distance radius
    timer = { -- End robbery if timer runs out
        enabled = true,
        seconds = 600,
        show = true, -- Show timer to the robber

Config.Selling = {
    enabled = true,
    coords = vector3(-2282.8491, 255.0210, 183.6015),
    npcModel = 'u_m_m_aldinapoli',
    heading = 30.6874,
    moneyType = 'bank',
    items = { -- Items that can be sold
        ['ruby_diamond'] = { label = 'Ruby', price = 50000 }, -- Price is per 1
        ['van_gogh'] = { label = 'van Gogh', price = 25000 },
        ['diamond_necklace'] = { label = 'Diamond Necklace', price = 15000 },
        ['diamond_watch'] = { label = 'Diamond Watch', price = 750 },
        ['silver_watch'] = { label = 'Silver Watch', price = 600 },
        ['diamond_ring'] = { label = 'Diamond Ring', price = 500 },
        ['golden_ring'] = { label = 'Golden Ring', price = 250 },
        ['silver_ring'] = { label = 'Silver Ring', price = 100 },

Config.CopsNotifications = {
    jobs = { 'police', },
    onRobbertyStart = 'Vangelico is being robbed! Hurry!', -- put to false to disable (onRobbertyStart = false,)

---@type table Only change these if you have changed the name of a resource
Resources = {
    FM = { name = 'fmLib', export = 'new' },
    OXTarget = { name = 'ox_target', export = 'all' },
    QBTarget = { name = 'qb-target', export = 'all' },
    MKALasers = { name = 'mka-lasers', export = false },
IgnoreScriptFoundLogs = false

Opensource Code

BY CrimeM Š crimem.com

function InitStartDoorTarget(obj)
    if OXTarget then
        OXTarget:addLocalEntity(obj, {
                name = 'startRobbery', -- Do not change the name
                label = 'Start Robbery',
                icon = 'fas fa-gun',
                distance = 2.5,
                canInteract = function()
                    return GlobalState[State.ROBBERYSTATUS] == Status.NOTSTARTED
                onSelect = function()

        TargetEntities[obj] = 'startRobbery'
    elseif QBTarget then
        QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(obj, {
            options = {
                    label = 'Start Robbery',
                    icon = 'fas fa-gun',
                    targeticon = 'fas fa-gun',
                    action = function()
                    canInteract = function()
                        return GlobalState[State.ROBBERYSTATUS] == Status.NOTSTARTED
            distance = 2.5,

        TargetEntities[obj] = 'Start Robbery'

function InitSellingTarget(npc)
    if OXTarget then
        OXTarget:addLocalEntity(npc, {
                label = 'Sell Loot',
                icon = 'fas fa-dollar-sign',
                distance = 2.5,
                onSelect = function()
    elseif QBTarget then
        QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(npc, {
            options = {
                    label = 'Sell Loot',
                    icon = 'fas fa-dollar-sign',
                    targeticon = 'fas fa-dollar-sign',
                    action = function()
            distance = 2.5,

function InitLaserDeactivationTarget(lZoneKey) 
    local zone = LaserZones[lZoneKey]
    if not zone then Error('Laser zone not found with key: ' .. lZoneKey) return end

    if OXTarget then
        TargetZones[#TargetZones+1] = OXTarget:addSphereZone({
            coords = zone.deactivate,
            radius = 0.8,
            debug = false,
            drawSprite = true,
            options = {
                    label = 'Deactivate Lasers',
                    icon = 'fas fa-power-off',
                    distance = 2.5,
                    canInteract = function()
                        return not DoingAction and not zone.deactivated
                    onSelect = function()
                        DoingAction = true

                        if DisableLasersMinigame() then                 
                            TriggerServerEvent(_E('server:deactivateLaserZone'), lZoneKey)

                        DoingAction = false
    elseif QBTarget then
        local name = 'laser_deactivation'
        TargetZones[#TargetZones+1] = name
        QBTarget:AddCircleZone(name, zone.deactivate, 1.0, {
            name = name,
            debugPoly = false,
        }, {
            options = {
                    label = 'Deactivate Lasers',
                    icon = 'fas fa-power-off',
                    targeticon = 'fas fa-power-off',
                    action = function()
                        DoingAction = true

                        if DisableLasersMinigame() then                      
                            TriggerServerEvent(_E('server:deactivateLaserZone'), lZoneKey)

                        DoingAction = false
                    canInteract = function()
                        return not DoingAction and not zone.deactivated
            distance = 2.5,

function InitOpenCamerasTarget()
    local openCam = Config.Robbery.cameras.open

    if OXTarget then
        TargetZones[#TargetZones+1] = OXTarget:addSphereZone({
            coords = openCam.coords,
            radius = 1.0,
            debug = false,
            drawSprite = true,
            options = {
                    label = 'View Cameras',
                    icon = 'fas fa-video',
                    distance = 2.5,
                    canInteract = function()
                        return not DoingAction
                    onSelect = function()
    elseif QBTarget then
        local name = 'open_cameras'
        TargetZones[#TargetZones+1] = name
        QBTarget:AddCircleZone(name, openCam.coords, 1.0, {
            name = name,
            debugPoly = false,
        }, {
            options = {
                    label = 'View Cameras',
                    icon = 'fas fa-video',
                    targeticon = 'fas fa-video',
                    action = function()
                    canInteract = function()
                        return not DoingAction
            distance = 2.5,

function InitLockedDoorTarget(obj, i, label, icon)
    local door = Doors[i]
    if not door then Error('Door not found with index: ' .. i) return end

    if OXTarget then
        OXTarget:addLocalEntity(obj, {
                name = 'door', -- Do not change the name
                label = label,
                icon = icon,
                distance = 2.5,
                canInteract = function()
                    return InRobbery and not DoingAction and not Doors[i].opened
                onSelect = function()

        TargetEntities[obj] = 'door'
    elseif QBTarget then
        QBTarget:AddTargetEntity(obj, {
            options = {
                    label = label,
                    icon = icon,
                    targeticon = icon,
                    action = function()
                    canInteract = function()
                        return InRobbery and not DoingAction and not Doors[i].opened
            distance = 2.5,

        TargetEntities[obj] = label

---@param type 'trollies' | 'stacks' | 'paintings' | 'displays' | 'lockers' | 'safes' | 'smashes'
function InitLootTarget(type, obj, i, label)
    local loot = GetLootByTypeAndIndex(type, i)

    if OXTarget then
        local options = {
                name = type, -- Do not change the name
                label = label,
                icon = 'fas fa-hand',
                distance = 2.5,
                canInteract = function()
                    return not DoingAction and not loot.taken
                onSelect = function()
                    GrabLoot(type, i)
        if type == 'stacks' or type == 'lockers' or type == 'smashes' then
            TargetZones[#TargetZones+1] = OXTarget:addSphereZone({
                coords = loot.coords,
                radius = type == 'stacks' and 0.5 or 0.2,
                debug = false,
                drawSprite = true,
                options = options
        elseif obj then
            OXTarget:addLocalEntity(obj, options)
            TargetEntities[obj] = type
    elseif QBTarget then
        local options = {
                label = label,
                icon = 'fas fa-hand',
                targeticon = 'fas fa-hand',
                action = function()
                    GrabLoot(type, i)
                canInteract = function()
                    return not DoingAction and not loot.taken
        if type == 'stacks' or type == 'lockers' then
            local name = type..tostring(i)
            TargetZones[#TargetZones+1] = name
            QBTarget:AddCircleZone(name, loot.coords, type == 'stacks' and 0.5 or 0.2, {
                name = name,
                debugPoly = false,
            }, {
                options = options,